Tag Archives: CoderHyguru

What Is CyberBullying?

Cyber bullying (cyber-bullying, online bullying) is the use of electronic information and communication devices such as e-mail, instant messaging, text messages, blogs, mobile phones, pagers, and defamatory websites to bully or otherwise harass an individual or group through personal attacks or other means, and it may constitute a computer crime.

Cyberbullying is willful and involves recurring or repeated harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text. According to R.B. Standler (2002)[1]bullying intends to cause emotional distress and has no legitimate purpose to the choice of communications. Cyberbullying can be as simple as continuing to send e-mail to someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender. Cyberbullying may also include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech)

The term cyberbullying was first used by Canadian educator Bill Belsey, creator of the Web site Other terms for Cyber-bullying are “electronic bullying,” “e-bullying,” “sms bullying,” “mobile bullying,” “online bullying,” “digital bullying,” or “Internet bullying.” —CyberBullying Wiki

Irrespective of what these people want to call themselves to establish Internet street cred in order to give themselves a veneer of ‘coolness’ or what they claim to be in their real lives in order to give themselves a veneer of credibility or authority, what they actually are is nothing but goons and criminals.

Cyberbullying is indeed a computer crime when one examines the various facets of what it is the cyberbullies actually do. Increasing numbers of countries and regions are including it in their criminal codes.

Now, let me just be clear that, in my opinion, there’s a difference between hacktivism and computer crimes.

Historically, civil rights movements have broken laws which were unjust or covered up corruption. The Hactivists represent the new civil rights movements and I don’t consider them criminals. What they are doing has a socially redeeming goal whether that’s exposing corruption, enforcing transparency, or using dDos or interruptions of service to protest (virtual sit-ins).

That said, let’s examine the actual demonstrable activities of some of the people engaging in other computer crimes while engaging in the computer crime of cyberharassment..

Note that these people have, for the most part, committed multiple computer crimes. In the case of some, numerous computer crimes. I am only focusing on the single most obvious one they’ve committed and the one that is easiest to prove.

They also make the same allegations about others but have never explicitly and publicly demonstrated that I or most of the other people they’ve targeted have done the things they claim. All they do is screech their lies and frame people with obvious frame-ups that anyone with half a brain should be able to see through.

They have some evidence against Timothy E. Wheeler (aka Timm Wheeler). Everything else, particularly the allegations about me, Kitty Hundal, is exaggerations, misrepresentations of innocent events, blatant lies or fabrications. They use the evidence that they do have against Timm Wheeler to attempt to establish credibility with their bullshit and lies against me.

Since Timm also has a lot of people who dislike him for various reasons, he’s the bait they use to recruit people to target everyone else.

In my opinion, it appears to be a good cop / bad cop style scam with Timothy E. Wheeler colluding actively with Kree Love of Dallas, TX / Antonio F. Lopez, and Thomas Schroeder aka Cook behind the scenes.

Here’s how it plays out:

  1. Tim harasses Babcock (who, in my opinion, may be mentally unstable).
  2. Timm links to this blog and / or quotes liberally from it and / or play others games intended to create the false impression, with Babcock, that I am involved in and supporting Tim’s harassment campaign against him (which, of course, I am not).
  3. Once Tim gets Babcock good and riled up, Babcock joins The Boneyard group to elicit help from the Kreepies.
  4. The Kreepies point Babcock in my direction by falsely blaming me for Tim’s harassment of Babcock.
  5. Babcock now starts targeting me and forgets about Tim.
  6. The scam is engaged.

This pattern has played itself out numerous times since 2013, is well-established and has been demonstrated in other areas of this blog with supporting screen shots. In fact, it started out in exactly the same way. Tim allegedly harassed Kree and Kree targeted me based on lies he fabricated. Kree got caught in all of the lies he used to justify targeting me and they have all been exposed here with hard evidence.

1. Antonio F. Lopez

Kree Love aka Antonio F. Lopez

Kree Love aka Antonio F. Lopez

Antonio is a 30 year old American who moves back and forth from the US to the UK. When in the UK he usually lives with his mother in Oxford.

He is impersonating a 16 year old UK teenager named Kree Love online.

He is familiar with details of Kree Love’s biography which he has established as his own and has identification in Kree Love’s name.

The real Kree Love is a teenager who ran away from home when he was 15 and joined the Occupy London group living in their encampment. He was interviewed by the media, photographed at the time and claimed to be 18. This was a story he told consistently to any members of the Occupy London group he associated with as well. Presumably he just didn’t want to deal with the potential fall out if anyone found out he was a runaway. He’s an attractive and apparently bright young man who probably has no idea what is being done to his name and reputation online.

Given that both Antonio F. Lopez and Kree Love’s mothers live in the same area it’s quite likely, in my opinion, that Antonio actually knows Kree Love and that access is probably what he was able to take advantage of whether it was by stealing his identification or by conning the teenager into giving him permission to use it.

Either way, it’s a computer crime because the real Kree wasn’t old enough to give permission when he was under 16 and whether he would be considered old enough to give permission at the age of 16 is dependent on the law in the UK.

That’s not a question that I can answer.

The details on how I know this and the evidence collected will appear in another blog in a few days.

Antonio has impersonated others as well when he created fake Facebook accounts in order to cyberstalk people. His latest was an attempt to friend my Facebook page and join Jay Marshall’s anti-pedophilia Facebook group,Op Scarecrow, by creating a fake profile of an existing real life Florida artist. I won’t tell you what mistakes were made and how Jay and I exposed him because, in this particular case, doing that will simply give him what he needs to cover his tracks better next time and we don’t want that.

All criminals have defining modus operandis and impersonating real people is Antonio’s MO.

He has also committed numerous other computer crimes including fraud, cons, theft, and claiming professional expertise in areas where he either just has a basic knowledge or may have no knowledge at all.

His claims to be a programmer were exposed as false rather quickly when he was unable to identify my Anonygrans web site in his defamatory and false dox on Doxbin as a Flash site and claimed it was a WordPress site.

His posting of the Doxbin dox is a violation of the California Penal Code where he has lived. While he has removed the sub-domain he intially posted it on to make it available on ClearNet, the defamatory libel and personal information which violate the California Penal Code still exists in Doxbin and has been copied and published to numerous sites and locations by his cohort (who has publicly admitted numerous times that he was acting on Antonio’s (known as Kree Love) behalf and with Antonio’s information. Antonio (under the name Kree and while impersonating a UK teen) has also publicly admitted that he posted that dox on Doxbin as well and has provided links on Twitter and Facebook to both the Darknet site and the site which makes it available on Clearnet as well as his own sub-domain. ( – illegal to use my name without my permission as well).

He was running a defamatory libelous blog attacking me directly with some pretty vicious and unsubstantiated lies like alleging that I’m a ‘child stalker’ as well as using the typically demagogic strategy of taking things out of context and misrepresenting them. This was removed after his cohort in crime consulted a lawyer. My guess is that he was wisely advised to remove his libel because I could sue him for that. In actual fact I still can. He’s done demonstrable damage. His cohort Babcock has not removed those same false allegations from his sites, nor have those he recruited removed similar false allegations from their sites.

Since Babcock has admitted that he has been acting on Kreepy’s behalf that makes Kreepy as liable for Babcocks actions as Babcock is. And if, what I suspect is true about Babcock, (that he’s seriously mentally ill) Kreepy will be solely responsible for all of Babcocks acts since he instigated a mentally ill person to commit those acts.

Antonio was part of the RIP Tards and appears to get a great deal of pleasure out of hurting people.

Antonio, impersonating Kree Love, also claims that he wants to be Fed double agent. Getting paid from both sides presumably. From a Skype Chat with another person:

[3/11/12 10:41:31 AM] Kree Love: It would cost me

[3/11/12 10:41:40 AM] Kree Love: $2800 to get an online associates degree

[3/11/12 10:41:43 AM] Kree Love: from Salford University [Editor: ref to (Corrected from Stanford)]

[3/11/12 10:41:53 AM] Kree Love: in Counter Terrorism

[3/11/12 10:41:57 AM]Kree Love: which allows me to apply for jobs

[3/11/12 10:42:02 AM] Kree Love: in the NSA and FBI.


[3/11/12 10:48:24 AM] Kree Love: CHUNDER MOTHERFUCKER

[removed]: you gonna work for them ? You MF traitor

[3/11/12 10:48:33 AM] Kree Love: Nein.

[3/11/12 10:48:37 AM] [removed]: I got your MF bitch

[3/11/12 10:48:48 AM] Kree Love: I’ll just double agent for a bit.


[3/11/12 10:55:01 AM] Kree Love: I just want to be legally allowed to carry a fully armed supressed handgun on the streets of New York and London

[3/11/12 10:55:04 AM] Kree Love: wearing a suit.

This chat log and most of the chat logs on this site were provided by Timothy E. Wheeler (aka Timm Wheeler).

2. Heather Martin

Heather Martin of Saskatoon CyberBully

Heather Martin of Saskatoon CyberBully

Heather is a 43 year old Registered Nurse employed at a large Saskatoon Hospital, who engages in what used to be considered a hate crime in Canada but is still considered a crime. Committing Defamatory Libel in Canada is a Criminal Code offense. Cyberstalking is considered Criminal Harassment.

She runs a defamatory libelous and vitriolic hate blog targeting a single individual, well known and well respected, anti-pedophilia social activist Kevin Annett.

She engages in cyberstalking Kevin to groups that he’s a member of and which she has no interest (she’s religious, has demonstrated a vitriolic hatred of atheists in her blog, yet joins atheist groups that Kevin is in).

She spreads rumors behind the scenes consisting of vicious and unsubstantiated allegations about Mr. Annett in order to convince others both to remove their support of him and his social activist causes and to defame him.

Since she started that blog, others have created similar style blogs targeting her in, in the same way, in retaliation. While I don’t agree with that style of retaliation one can hardly blame people for reacting to her abuse against Mr. Annett so strongly.

If anyone defends Kevin, their name, along with the most vicious and unsubstantiated defamatory libel will be added to her hate blog as mine has and others like First Nations social activist and member of AIM, Charley Brown.

Here’s what WikiSpooks has to say about Kevin Annett, the person this woman has chosen to defame:

Kevin D. Annett (aka. Kevin McNamee-Annett, and Eagle Strong Voice born 1956 in Edmonton, Alberta) is a Canadian writer and former minister of the United Church of Canada. He has authored three books about Canadian aboriginals – Love and Death in the Valley, Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust and Unrepentant: Disrobing the Emperor.

His treatment at the hands of the Canadian Establishment over his persistent, selfless advocacy for the indiginous populations of Canada, is an object lesson in the gross self-seving dishonesties, corruptions and hypocricies of power.

Filing false police reports and complaints against those she doesn’t like is also standard practice for Heather and something that she has publicly admitted to on the Internet. When those false reports and complaints get ignored because … well … they’re false, she decides that the person she filed them against must be under RCMP protection and an agent. Lol. Seriously.

Reader Questions Regarding Kevin Annett  Alfred Webre    Eric Jon Phelps  Dec. 2  2012

Heather appears to be a person with a hair trigger temper and a vindictive mean streak. It doesn’t take much to get her going and attempts to reason with her will be met with failure.

I know. I tried.

Heather’s modus operandi is misrepresentation combined with outrageous lies that have shock value.

One of Heather’s past cohorts has now come forward and publicly admitted that Heather instigated their malicious lies against Kitty Hundal. The direct quote follows:

“I, JJ can offer nothing but allegations insinuations and lies as evidence and proof. I am not well.

I lied about Kitty Hundal Pagan Media and so many other people who did not deserve my lies.

Heather Martin and Lydia White Calf fault. They made me do it against my will.”

3. Michael Babcock

Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster CyberBully

Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster CyberBully

Michael is 30 years old claims to have a job now and yet still manages to spend hours on his computer in Cambridge Narrows, (outskirts of Moncton) New Brunswick.

He considers himself a l33t h8x0r and Guru of the Internet. He has no formal training in IT but has picked up a few tricks of the trade as a hobbyist and thinks he knows more than people who have had years of training and experience on the job and in the industry.

Most, if not all of that time appears to be spent committing computer crimes of various types including the framing of one of the people on their hit list to support their lies that he’s a pedophile by creating a fake site using his name as the domain name. I discuss this in detail and provide evidence in the post, CyberBullies: How Far Will They Go?

In the area of computer crimes I will accept the fact that he is far more skilled and adept at committing computer crimes than I am since I’m not a criminal and don’t commit computer crimes. I admit that my knowledge is severely lacking in that particular area of expertise. Lol.

He, like Heather, admits publicly to filing false police reports and complaints against people he obsesses about.He, on the other hand, doesn’t appear to notice or care that he’s being ignored by these agencies and it doesn’t stop him from obsessively filing more. He’s been doing this all year and including me in these reports completely without cause, despite the fact that I have explicitly told him that I had nothing to do with these incidents and he has no evidence that I did.


This plus the following are the demonstrable indications that he appears to suffer from sort of extreme obsessive disorder.

For example, it wasn’t enough for him to post one dox to a site where the pastes could not be removed unless the original poster kept a special delete link provided at the time of the original posting.

In fact, it’s never enough no matter what the situation.

He used an autobot to flood the site with thousands of false, defamatory libelous pastes calling someone a pedophile and me and others pedophile enablers for no other reason than we associate with him.

Using an autobot to flood a site with data, in and of itself a criminal offense. He admitted doing this in an email. OTOH the likelihood that would have cared or charged him is nil.

Shortly after Michael did that the site was confiscated by Interpol and the owners arrested. I have no idea what the impact of Interpol seeing thousands of posts calling me a pedophile enabler will have on me or even worse the impact it will have on the person being falsely accused of being a pedophile.

Everything Michael does he does to extreme which indicates that he may have some very serious, untreated psychological issues.


What is rather unusual in this particular situation is that Michael Babcock (like Antonio F. Lopez impersonating UK teen Kree Love), appears to be focusing his attention on the author, Kitty Hundal. I have done nothing to harass him and was also innocent of the false allegations made by Antonio when he began this cyberharassment campaign. Both have been virtually ignoring Timm Wheeler who is the one who continues to focus his entire attention on them and keeps this campaign in motion.

Why Wheeler feels it necessary to harass Babcock whenever Babcock leaves the picture can only be answered by him and is anyone’s guess.

Initially, Kitty Hundal simply mentioned Babcocks name with no other information on the now defunct web site.

Wheeler created several blogs attacking Babcock for his abuse publicly during a period when Babcock took a hiatus from the fighting and Kitty Hundal and Babcock had negotiated a truce.

After being harassed by Timm Wheeler for several months Babcock returned to the scene but exclusively targeted Kitty Hundal and appeared to be under the false impression that she had participated in Wheelers harassment campaign. Despite numerous efforts to convince him he was wrong he continued to ignore Timm and target Kitty.

Babcock was not included as a main figure in this cyberharassment group until he began targeting Kitty Hundal exclusively with malicious defamatory and libelous allegations and postings libeling her in hundreds of sites across the web.

While Kitty Hundal and Timm Wheeler were both declared to be targets of Antonio (Kree) and Babcock, no-one in that cyberharassment group has actually targeted Timm in the way that they have focused their attention onto Kitty.

This indicates that Timm Wheeler is not, nor has he ever been, a real target for that group.

The real target has always been Kitty Hundal.

Various people have indicated that they believe that Timm Wheeler may have set Kitty Hundal up for this harassment campaign and that he is actually continuing to work with Antonio F. Lopez (aka Kree Love) behind the scenes. He goes into hiding whenever he’s successful at making Kitty Hundal the focus of attention.

The pattern of behavior:

1. Timm Wheeler (aka Timothy E. Wheeler) targets Babcock with harassing emails, sending him copies of my defending myself and others (including Tim) from Babcock’s lies.

2. Timm Wheeler appears to be intentionally giving Babcock the impression that Kitty Hundal is somehow involved in this harassment against him.

3. Babcock returns to the scene, angry, and focuses his attention on targeting Kitty Hundal.

4. Timm Wheeler goes into hiding.

5. Timm Wheeler comes out of hiding only when Kitty Hundal is not being targeted by anyone.

This behavior does support the belief that others have suggested is true. That Timm Wheeler and Antonio’s (Kree Love) group are actually working together to target Kitty.

Recently an extortion attempt was made publicly. That attempt has been documented in the updated post:

Bully: Antonio F. Lopez impersonator of Kree Love. Documentation of Harassment 2. Updated

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Posted by on June 16, 2014 in CyberBullying, CyberHarassment, CyberStalking


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Bully: Michael Babcock. The PDF Lie Exposed

Bully: Michael Babcock. The PDF Lie Exposed

Michael Babcock’s lies are pathological and ongoing. He continues to insist that the DarkNet Child Trafficking scam Price List PDF created by 30 yo Kree Love of Dallas, TX,  while impersonating UK teen Kree Love, is a fake despite attempts on my part to patiently explain the technology to him. He’s basically a computer hobbyist and has taught himself how to be adept at committing computer crimes using existing software, some of which he’s figured out how to make minor modifications to. According to his personal delusions of grandeur about himself, this makes him the ‘guru of the internet’. Lol.

After I exposed his fake pedo site which he set up to frame someone I’ve decided to put the PDF lie to bed as well.

So, here is the process I followed and the relevant screenshots.

1. I asked Brian Johnson to send me the original copy of the PDF that Kree sent him, which he later sent to Timothy E. Wheeler (aka Timm Wheeler), and asked him to send it to me through Skype which is how he originally sent it to Tim thereby duplicating the exact same process.

2. He sent it to me last night (Wednesday, April 9, 2014).

3. In addition he sent me a screenshot of Kree sending him the PDF as well as a sample communication that Kree was proposing he use as part of the DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam. I can verify directly that same process was conducted with me and am therefore able to back Brian’s claim that this is truthful. There were two other people who also went through a similar process with Kree.

Here are the screenshots which can be independently verified as original, accurate representations, if necessary. Nothing has been tampered with and this can be proven.

The first two are 30 yo Kree Love impersonating UK teen Kree Love sending the PDF to Brian Johnson as well as the sample communication.

Antonio F. Lopez while impersonating UK teen Kree Love sends the PDF to Brian Johnson

Antonio F. Lopez while impersonating UK teen Kree Love sends the PDF to Brian Johnson


This third one is Brian Johnson sending the DarkNet Child Trafficking Price List PDF to me, Kitty Hundal, for the Forensic Analysis I wanted to do on it. The date below is April 8, however, I was unavailable when Brian was online and trying to send it. I didn’t download it until the evening of April 9, 2014. This fact is verified in the MetaExtractor image below which provides the creation date and time of the document when it was saved on my system.

Brian sending me the PDF for Forensic Analysis

Brian sending me the PDF for Forensic Analysis

4. I downloaded a free, open source software called MetaExtractor which extracts the metadata from PDFs. Metadata is basically just data which describes data. That is it’s data about the document itself rather than the data in the document.

I made a copy of the original document and placed it in a separate folder because I wanted to ensure that I had an original available in case MetaExtractor made any modifications to it to indicate that it had been analysed.

I opened it in Adobe Reader to verify that it was the correct file.

I ran the copy of the EchelonPrices.pdf file through MetaExtractor and received the following results:

I have hidden the empty fields and removed the Path field to protect my privacy. All the relevant data is there.

File Modified Date confirms that the file was copied on April 9, 2014 as I indicated above.

File Access Date confirms that I opened the file on April 9, 2014 as I indicated above to ensure that I was analyzing the right file.

File Creation Date is the date and time the file was downloaded to my computer. April 9, 2014.

FileName is the original name assigned to the PDF: EchelonPrices.pdf

Created is the creation date of the original file and was extracted from the PDF. As the image indicates the original creation date was November 5, 2012.

Modified is the modified date of the original file and was extracted from the PDF. As the image indicates the modification date was November 6, 2012.

Page count is 1

Producer Application (refers to the Computer) the document was created on was a MAC OSX 10.6.8 Quartz.

MetaExtractor Forensic Analysis of the EchelonPrices.PDF Results

MetaExtractor Forensic Analysis of the EchelonPrices.PDF Results


The original document was created on November 5, 2012 and the modification occurred on November 6, 2012. The modification occurred long before Tim claims that he was aware that the file existed.

The only person, in November, 2012, in that group of people that Kree was attempting to recruit that used a MAC was 30 yo Kree Love impersonating UK teen Kree Love.

Timothy E. Wheeler claimed to be unaware of the DarkNet Child Trafficking scam at that time, however, one has to wonder how he knew who to contact to get this information so quickly.

Tim began exposing the DarkNet Child Trafficking scam by distributing the Price List on February 8, 2013 after Brian Johnson sent him the PDF.

Follows is the text of the exchange (Note that Timm Wheeler was asked to provide an original screenshot but never complied with the request.):

[2/8/2013 5:09:58 PM] Brian Johnson: I really appreciate it, more than you may know, THANK YOU 🙂
[2/8/2013 5:25:23 PM] Timm Wheeler: kk… just get me that link pls.. perhaps some fear will help save Kree.. I”m putting some ‘ SE’ plays out there.. he just may have you to thank if it is not too late.. but just lay low , I appreciate that tidbit of info, I just need a direction to point the gun most times
[2/8/2013 5:29:54 PM] *** Brian Johnson sent EchelonPrices.pdf ***
[2/8/2013 5:32:25 PM] Brian Johnson: Is that the right one?
[2/8/2013 5:39:56 PM] Timm Wheeler: Yep
[2/8/2013 5:40:04 PM] Brian Johnson: :
[2/8/2013 5:40:06 PM] Brian Johnson: 🙂
[2/8/2013 5:40:21 PM] Timm Wheeler: thank YOU …

Here is a screenshot of the original document Brian Johnson sent me for Forensic Analysis on April 9, 2014.

As you can see the document is identical to the one that Tim was distributing and the one included in the DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam Alert PDF warning anti-pedophilia social activists about the scam.

Screenshot of the original and untouched DarkNet Child Trafficking scam Price List

Screenshot of the original and untouched DarkNet Child Trafficking scam Price List

Note that I had to open it in a Sandbox to create this image because when I opened it originally it dropped a Trojan on my system. My spyware picked it up right away and removed it. This was just a precaution to ensure that it didn’t happen again.

Hard evidence. Hard facts. Liars exposed.

Here is a link to the free open source tool I used: MetaExtractor

Critique of Babcock’s ‘analysis’

The program that Babcock used to ‘analyse’ the PDF is called PDFResurrect (Linux only version). While it’s a good program, Babcock’s analytical skills are sorely lacking. So, he misinterpreted the results, either intentionally or because he’s just an idiot. Either is possible and both is likely. What is unlikely is that PDFRessurect’s results were different from mine, if he analysed the original file. He didn’t. He analysed a version of the file that Tim Wheeler had uploaded to Google Docs on Feb. 13, 2013.

Babcock’s results (not his absurd ‘analysis’) actually confirms this fact:

Producer Application (refers to the Computer) the document was created on was a MAC OSX 10.6.8 Quartz.”

which leads to this conclusion:

“The only person, in November, 2012, in that group of people that Kree was attempting to recruit that used a MAC was 30 yo Kree Love impersonating UK teen Kree Love.”

Babcock's output from PDFRessurect

Babcock’s output from his PDFRessurect software

There is a different ModDate showing in Babcock’s output and yet the document, which Babcock deceptively doesn’t provide on his web site, is identical to the one I have shown you in this blog. The one included in this blog is the one that was distributed everywhere.

One possible explanation for this new ModDate might be that Google used to convert PDFs it uploaded to Google Drive to their version. They may still do that. Since Babcock didn’t display the version he ‘analysed’ on his web site, it’s impossible to know for sure why that discrepancy exists.

He did display this which provides you with a partial image of the document. If you compare the following background document in the image with the original complete document image I’ve provided above they’re pretty much the same. No differences are visible.


And no I don’t do posting for Tim (as per Babcock’s blog where he claims I’m the ‘main poster’). Pretty much everything I have posted regarding this topic was in defence of myself against the lies being spread by Babcock, Kree, Emick and their cohorts. That’s the only time I post, as a response to their lies.


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Posted by on April 10, 2014 in CyberStalking


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Bully: Michael Babcock. One ‘Sick’ Dude. Updated

Bully: Michael Babcock. One ‘Sick’ Dude. Updated

Updated. January 22, 2013 and January, 2018.

Mikey (Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster, CoderHyguru, Lilli Alpert) is probably one of the most twisted people I’ve ever met online, second only to Kreepy (Kree Love  impersonating UK teen, Kree Love).

He goes to the most bizarre and extreme lengths in his harassment campaigns. Right now he’s desperately trying to earn the bribe Kreepy offered to have all of my sites shut down and to have me ‘suppressed’.

Funny given Kreepy’s claims of his personal l33t h8x0r status. Lol. Essentially Kreepy expects everyone to buy his delusions of grandeur regarding the computer system he claims to have as well as the skills he alleges he has, while at the same time to buy his con that he needs to bribe someone to bring down my sites.

Bringing down my various web sites is something that should be a fairly simple task for Kreepy if he really is as l33t as he claims and really does have the system he claims he has. I’m not buying it though. Why? Because as I said if he had all that and was as skilled as he claims he wouldn’t need to hire anyone.

The ‘suppression’ part is a different matter and one which would be impossible unless the person killed me. No-one’s going to do that for 5BTC even assuming that they were stupid enough to believe that Kreepy would actually pay them. Lol.

Anyway, I recently created a backup blog on another site which I have not publicized at all. It’s purpose is simply to be ready if Kreepy and his little cyberharassment kult succeed in conning my current site into shutting me down for exposing their harassment and criminal activity.

I haven’t even finished it yet. There is still quite a bit of work to do on it because the imports from this site to the other site aren’t very good.

And yet, today, out of the blue I have received over 400 hits on the About page of my new blog within a very short period of time..

Bizarre for a blog that hasn’t even been publicized… until I read one of Michael Babcock’s rage emails sent to me today where he accuses someone else of using a hit blaster on their site.

Oh. The. Irony.

Babcock is well known for the fact that he is the one who uses Hit Blasters to increase his hits and Fake Followers software on his Twitter site and Fake Friends software on his Facebook pages. This is his thing. His Modus Operandi. He gives himself away with it.

Now, the fact that he would hit my brand new, unfinished blog which hasn’t even been publicized yet is an indication that he’s planning to file a false complaint alleging that I did it.

How sick and twisted is that? Seriously.

However, don’t forget that he’s also the one who created that Fake Pro-Pedo web site using a domain name that contained another persons name to frame that social activist and fabricate evidence that his lies about him were true.

And he’s obsessively publishing numerous almost identical blogs all over the place attacking me and 11 others amongst other things.

I suspect that he’s desperately trying to earn the ‘bounty’ Kreepy has offered to ‘suppress me’ and ‘remove all my content’.

So, is it surprising? No.

Unfortunately for Mikey, my own counter registers the hits correctly. 🙂

Good luck with your scams and cons on Kreepy’s behalf, Mikey. You’ll be lucky if you ever see a dime. Even if you succeeded. ROFL.

Michael Babcock Raging And Projecting About Hit Blasters

Michael Babcock Raging And Projecting About Hit Blasters

Updated. January 22, 2013.

Mikey’s latest scam has been to flood various sites with derogatory and racist videos. He sees it as ‘winning’. Winning what? I don’t know you’ll have to ask him. He’s the one with the delusions of personal grandeur and fantasies.

So, on YouTube we got them removed because they were derogatory and racist. Since Babcock appears to have a rather serious obsessive compulsive disorder, he can never post just one. He posted 6. When we got those 6 removed, he has now posted double that number. We’re in the process of getting those removed and he’s now listed several other sites where he’s planning to post them.

This is not normal behavior. Normal people do not do these things. Normal people do not obsess in these ways. This is a mental illness. Stalking and harassment, whether it’s online or offline is the symptom of this mental illness. It’s the effect. What happens as a result of the person being mentally ill.

This is his pattern of behavior and, in my opinion, it is clear cut evidence of an obsessive compulsive (repeated postings) with paranoid delusions (he’s ‘losing’ when we get the libelous videos removed) and delusions of personal grandeur (refers to self as ‘baddest man on the Internet’). And that’s aside from what appears to be quite a serious cognitive disorder, that is, his inability to read and comprehend simple english. OTOH, it’s also possible that he just suffers from the psychological disorder of pathological lying as well. (Claims that I don’t have the academic training and background I say I do)

Another indicator of mental illness is that not only does Mikey tell these pathological lies but they are, without exception, easily disproven by anyone. The Bone Yard Tards just high five him because the lies are self-serving and they don’t actually care what the truth is.

For example, all anyone has to do to check my qualifications is go to my LinkedIn profile and search my College. It’s easily found. In fact, I have 3 College Diplomas. This one is just my most recent.

I think Mikey and Kreepy are just jealous.

Here’s an idea, maybe they should stop wasting their time being Tards on the Internet and get an education instead?


Comments Off on Bully: Michael Babcock. One ‘Sick’ Dude. Updated

Posted by on January 18, 2014 in CyberBullying, CyberHarassment, CyberStalking


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Bully: Michael Babcock’s Lame Attempt To Intimidate Me Fails. Lol. Updated

Bully: Michael Babcock’s Lame Attempt To Intimidate Me Fails. Lol. Updated

2 Updates have been made to this post, February 10 & February 13.

Computer criminal, cyberbully/harasser/stalker, Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster, CoderHyguru, Lilli Alpert, NoCock pretends to be Anonymous and threatens me on with Anonymous Hive retaliation.

What a joke!

Mikey Iz so skeered.

According to him I’m ‘scheduled for deletion’. ROFL.

And note that I’ve never claimed to be part of the Anonymous ‘Hive’ or ‘Collective’ and have even explicitly stated on this blog that I’m an outsider who supports the concept of Anonymous and promotes Ops that I agree with and nothing more.

Nor have I lied about anything or ‘begged’ Anonymous for help.

Mikey. I don’t need any Anonymous white knights to rescue me. I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a woman who runs with the wolves. Not that I expect you to understand what that means. Lol.

I simply pointed out that these Tards were making Anonymous look bad by attacking numerous innocent people with frame-ups, lies, misrepresentations and smear campaigns and suggested that Anonymous openly and publicly disassociate from them.

I don’t tell Anonymous what to do. I express my opinion and then it’s up to the Collective or the Hive to make their own decisions on how they want to handle these situations.

Babcock needs to hone up on his reading and comprehension skills. His inability to grasp the english language is quite astounding for a person who only speaks english. This, unfortunately, doesn’t stop him from spouting his garbage.

Here are the comments I made that drove Babcock to make his batshit crazy threat. Kitty Hundals comments Kitty Hundals comments

Babcock simply proved with his threat and other idiotic claims below that the concerns that I raised were true.

He makes a lame attempt at establishing credibility by smearing another person by misrepresenting a difficult situation that she’s been dealing with and making a mountain of that particular, completely irrelevant, and unrelated molehill.

This is typical of these cyberbullies who have no truth to back up their actual pathological lies against people and resort to digging up irrelevant ‘dirt’ and using that to assassinate people’s characters.

They seem to think that if they can find some dirt and prove that’s true then everyone will believe all their unsubstantiated lies. No-one said they were rational.

In the end, it’s nothing more than a lame tactic to deflect attention away from all the other lies they’re spewing for which they have zero evidence.

How do I know this is Babcock? His signature is in his inability to put a coherent thought together. The others are like this as well but each has their own style of incoherence. Lol.

This is his.

Follows is his threat and my response.

Michael Babcock threatens Kitty Hundal with Anonymous Hive retaliation

Michael Babcock threatens Kitty Hundal with Anonymous Hive retaliation


My blog detailing Antonio F. Lopez aka Kree Love’s ongoing cyberharassment/bullying/stalking campaign against me will be delayed. There’s a lot of material and I need to prioritize it and structure it. So it will take a little longer to get that one published.

Update. February 10. Awww Poor Mikey’s crying. ROFL.

Mikey’s delusions, incoherence, and inability to read and comprehend english are demonstrated yet again.

He keeps claiming that I confessed to some lie in the screenshots above. Good luck finding that confession. It doesn’t exist. Lol. That’s his delusion and reading comprehension issue.

He also can’t seem to make up his mind whether he’s responding to me or another person (most likely Tim (Timm) Wheeler) since he jumps back and forth and doesn’t identify what he’s talking about or the person he’s addressing.

I’ve posted it below. Good luck trying to follow anything he’s saying and make sense of it. No-one other than the Bone Yards can follow these lunatic ravings. Lunatic minds think alike. This guy needs some serious help.

For example:

1. There is no admission from me that I lied.

2. Nowhere did I say that the Bone Yard was Babcock’s group.

3. I have never tried to ‘get into Krees pants’. ROFL (that one’s hilarious – it’s what someone else (most likely Tim (Timm) Wheeler) is being accused of doing – not me)

4. I have never met, spoken to, or even interacted with Evie.

The links go to mainstream media newspaper articles. Last time I looked none of us are professional journalists ROFL. (In 2015, years after this was posted, I now write opinion pieces and reviews for Independent Media).

5. Then suddenly he switches into talking about a ‘he’ which is probably who he was talking about all along but he’s so incoherent you can’t actually tell. (most likely Tim (Timm) Wheeler)

6. Then he posts a screenshot of a comment that I didn’t approve and starts whinnying about it. Well first of all there is no inherent right to lie in Free Speech so I don’t feel any obligation to post flagrant, demonstrable lies. That’s not censorship anymore than arresting a person who shouts ‘fire’ in a movie theatre is. Defammatory Libel is a criminal offense in Canada. It’s not censorship to refuse to publish it.

7. Then he conflates Tim (Timm) Wheeler’s blog with mine. I am the one and only person running this blog. How many hits he gets has nothing to do with how many hits I get. And the number of hits I get isn’t the business of the Bone Yard Tards. I have been publishing my hit rate on my FB wall and I’m perfectly happy with it as are others.

8. And, lastly, this is Michael projecting since I didn’t say anything remotely similar to or that could even be interpreted as: “Her game is now, “How dare you post the findings on me, if you do I’ll tell everyone you’re a great big meanie”. This is his and the Bone Yard Tards game. Not mine.

To someone who isn’t a Tard it’s patently obvious that I’m simply promoting the blog link which exposes these crazies since that is a thread they created to directly attack me and others.

I await Michael’s next frothing at mouth rage rant with popcorn in hand. LOL.

To view the image below, click on it. When it opens in a new tab, click it again to enlarge it so that you can read it if you want to read Michael’s lunatic ravings. Seriously. I kid you not. This guy sounds like he’s completely off his rocker and there isn’t a shred of coherency in the entire thing.

Michael Babcocks crying

Michael Babcocks crying

UPDATE 2. February 13.

Yep Mikey had another lunatic rage fit. ROFL! This one was hilarious and demonstrates clearly what a pansy he is. Essentially he’s blaming me for literally everything that Tim (Timm) Wheeler has done to him and he’s even lying about a lot of the things that have allegedly been done. I don’t know what Tim (Timm) Wheeler does but I’m certainly not aware of a lot of the things he’s alleging. Nor have I changed a single word I’ve said about anyone. The fact that Mikey can’t comprehend what he reads and constantly either misinterprets it or intentionally fabricates convenient lies around what’s said isn’t my problem.

In addition, there’s a lot of well-founded evidence-based suspicion that Tim Wheeler has never actually been a target and that he has been working with the Kreepies from the beginning. Many believe this whole thing was just a lame attempt to set a whole bunch of innocent social activists up to either just smear and discredit us or in my case engage in extortion (which actually occurred).

At any rate, it’s their game to constantly change and reinvent their story not mine. Anyone who has followed these happenings knows that I’m completely consistent in my positions and they don’t change other than my naive belief that Wheeler was an ally. He isn’t and apparently never has been. Some of what Mikey is alleging has already been demonstrated as complete fabrications  Past experience tells me he just fabricating more lies. He does that whenever one set of lies has been exposed. He just moves on to fabricate more.

Essentially he uses the same FAIL strategy that Kree Love of Dallas TX, impersonating UK teen Kree Love follows.

They’re both too chickenshit to take on their real nemesis so they target all sorts of other innocent people instead.

I have done nothing to either of these Tards except defend myself against their constant barrage of pathological lies, harassment and now I’m exposing their lies and frame-ups of innocent social activists. I don’t agree with everything those social activists say and do either. That doesn’t mean they deserve to be bullied and abused for it. I have also demonstrated irrefutably in some cases that the specious allegations being made against these social activists, including myself, are lies being supported by frame-ups.

This is why the Tards are going full on batshit.

All Bullies hate to be exposed and it’s drives them completely nuts when someone succeeds in doing that. So they resort to all sorts of strategies to mitigate including fail attempts to mock the truths that have been revealed.

The reality is that if you do a good enough job of exposing them they can’t mitigate and that’s what brings on the frothing lunatic rages and threats and attempts to mock the truth (despite the fact that it’s patently obvious to any rational observer that the exposures are true).

You can see the lunatic rage demonstrated by the email below along with a new set of threats in a lame attempt to shut me up. That isn’t going to happen until every single lie posted by these guys is removed..It really is that simple. If they want me to ‘walk away’ then remove the lies and I will happily walk away.

I never wanted this fight in the first place. I was dragged into it and thrown into the middle of the ring by the Kree Love who lied intentionally to justify it.

Now Babcock is doing the same thing. Well there are consequences to that behavior.

Suck it up boys or remove the lies.

All I really have to say in addition to that, and to both of them, is to grow a pair. Act like men instead of little crying babies and deal directly with Tim (Timm) Wheeler (which you haven’t done since it’s quite likely you’re working together). I have nothing to do with what he does and they’ve both been told that repeatedly. Their intentional stupidity and ignorance isn’t my problem.

Note that I’ve ignored all of Babcock’s responses on AnonNews and have not responded to this following email. Nor will I. I don’t see the point of bothering to try to reason with lunatics who are raging. There is nothing to be gained by that.

From the email:

“You want a bully so damn bad Kitty, congrats, I’ll give you one, and I’ll make sure you never sleep, eat or have a moments peace to your name again.”

” By the way, just to let your  loser ass know something……Telegraph Journal…… Game on bitch…. Gonna be a great piece about how these 2 disgraced lawyers are helping and aiding criminal elements claiming they are all “anonymous”. Well fuck your Anonymous, fuck your mask, fuck your lies.”

Well at least he’s not pretending to be #Anonymous now and threatening me with being ‘scheduled for deletion’. ROFL.

More crying and threats from Michael Babcock

More crying and threats from Michael Babcock

1 Comment

Posted by on January 9, 2014 in CyberBullying, CyberHarassment, CyberStalking


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Who Is The Target? Anonymous?

Anyone can become a target of cyberbullies whether you’re just an individual hanging out with personal friends and family on social media or whether you’re a social activist. All that really has to happen is for you to cross paths with people like those named in this blog, trigger some paranoid delusion of theirs and you’re on their hit list.

The entire point of this blog is to send out the message that people are standing up to these bullies by exposing their deceptions when they target and harass people.

Of course when you do that the bullies almost always accuse their targets of bullying by either playing the victim card themselves or falsely accusing them of bullying others. In their bizarre and twisted minds, it’s bullying to defend yourself against bullying. Lol.

I believe that one of the reasons that many teenagers who are the victim of this crime end up committing suicide is that we, as a society, disempower them. We tell these victims to just ‘ignore it and it will go away’.

Those of us who have been targets of this crime know perfectly well that harassers, bullies, and stalkers whether they’re online or in real life do not just go away. They become empowered and enabled when you try to ignore them and will go to more and more extreme lengths to get your attention. They might get distracted by someone else for periods of time or they might stop for periods of time but you will never be off their hit list once you’re on it. You have to have good strategies to make them go away.

In my previous blog post I talked about a person who is being effectively framed by these harassers as a pedophile. He does ignore them for the most part and yet he has been targeted in the most vicious way imaginable.

The ‘ignore it and it will go away’ approach only works in normal situations where normal people have normal fights with each other. In those situations it’s best for both parties to separate and cool off and even if only one party does it, the other party will often just move on.

What differentiates those situations from situations which involve full-blown harassment, is that the people engaging in full-blown harassment, for the most part, do actually suffer from some sort of anti-social personality disorder and they do it because they get pleasure out of seeing people hurt and suffering. They enjoy destroying lives and that is their goal.

The phenomenon that we’re seeing on the Internet is that those same people no longer have to be in close physical proximity to get together and engage in their abuse. As a result we are seeing the development of entire groups of people getting together who have similar histories of harassment and bullying and those people are working together. Sweeney talks about this phenomenon in his book, Hackers on Steroids.

There are several groups running around on Facebook right now who are focusing on and targeting social activists who are associated with Anonymous and their friends. Most of the social activists targeted are anti-pedophilia activists who are identifying and reporting pedophiles both on FaceBook and on DarkNet.

Some are just associated with individuals on the list but refused to drink the harassment kult kool-aid and ended up on the their hit list.

Since many Anons have objected to the behavior of these harassers they are now claiming that they are ‘not Anons’ nor do they support Anonymous, yet they join numerous Anonymous groups under numerous socks and by doing so create the implication that they are Anons or at the very least support Anonymous.

If they’re not Anons and don’t support Anonymous then why do they care what anyone does who is involved in or supports Anonymous or engages in social activism under the Anonymous banner? Do they think Anons are too stupid to locate pedophiles in their own ranks by themselves and deal with them? What business do they even have joining Anonymous groups?

One of the impacts of their actions has been that a lot of very good people are talking about removing their support for Anonymous and walking away because these crazies are creating so much disruption with their deceptions, threats and harassment that those targeted are finding it difficult to even focus on the causes they’ve given their hearts to.

Some are people who are solid social activists and who have contributed a great deal under the Anonymous banner all of which presents a positive public face to Anonymous.

If these good people start leaving, the name Anonymous will become solely tied to and associated with cyberharassment, cyberbullying and cyberstalking all of which are criminal acts with no socially redeeming qualities, because frankly that’s who’ll be left.

Then, it will just be a question of time before these groups start fighting with each other or targeting individuals in their own ranks. Some of that has already started. Maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll focus on each other instead of targeting innocents. Since they all enjoy it so much they could have a lot of fun destroying each other. Now there’s a thought. 🙂

Will that end the harassment of those individuals currently on their hit lists. Probably not but it will mean that new people will not be so easily accessible to them once this reputation gets established for Anonymous and it’s well on it’s way to establishing that reputation for itself thanks both to the cyberharassers and those Anons who repeatedly take the position that they ‘don’t want to get involved in the drama.’

They are involved in the drama whether they like or not because these cyberharassment groups have dragged everyone into the drama and done so quite successfully. Silence is assent.

And there is going to be an inevitable fall out to Anonymous as a result.

That’s something that those who are actively supporting and advocating the concept of Anonymous should give some thought to when they tell those social activists who have been unjustly targeted that ‘they don’t want to get involved in the drama’. Just saying …

Two very good people, who have worked very hard and shown a great deal of dedication to the Anonymous anti-pedophilia cause are Brian Johnson and Jay Marshall.

Brian Johnson is a hacktivist and Jay Marshall is an Anonymous supporter like myself.

While Jay’s name and dox haven’t appeared on the hit list web site yet he’s constantly dealing with harassers who are trying to convince him to go along with their harassment of the individuals on the hit list

Since he consistently refuses to go along with it he gets targeted with vicious rumors on an ongoing basis.

Brian Johnson has been placed on the hit list web site and has been lied about repeatedly as the cyberharassers desperately dig for dirt and constantly misrepresent innocent situations and relationships because they can’t find any real dirt on him.

The minor things that they have found and are exaggerating are laughable given their personal backgrounds and histories. Therein lies their own shameless hypocrisy in all of this.

That is, they’ll self-righteously pontificate about the evils of a person getting arrested for having weed while some of them have similar backgrounds, far worse backgrounds, or are into far stronger drugs.

And what would that have to do with the social activism that the person is involved in anyway. Absolutely nothing. It’s nothing more than an attempt to smear the person in an as many ways as possible.

Antonio F. Lopez, the 30 year old American who is impersonating UK teen Kree Love online, has been digging deep for dirt on me as well and has found nothing. So he employs the same strategies that have been used against Brian and others by both him, members of his little harassment cult as well as other little harassment cults.

The general strategy employed and one which has been used on all of us to one degree or another is:

1. Do an Internet search on the target

2. Collect any identifying information that will also help you identify family, friends, employers (past and present), organizations the person supports or is involved in, etc.

3. Use both 1 and 2 (by contacting people directly) to dig up dirt on the person.

4. If you find something and it’s ‘evil’ you’re golden. If you find something and it’s minor, exaggerate it way out of proportion. If you find nothing take what you have and see if you can fabricate some negative spin on it. If there’s nothing fabricate something. If people don’t buy it, frame the person.

5. After they’re done brown-nosing your family and friends for dirt on you, they will then proceed to target them by posting their pictures in memes all over the place, making harassing phone calls, etc. and often far worse.

Antonio has added a new component to this by going to my past employers and lying to them despite the fact that I no longer work there. Don’t ask me what the point of that was. These people are completely nuts. They are beyond the ken of normal people.

He is also the one that has initiated these frame-ups which he tries to keep quiet so that those he targets can’t defend themselves. The fabricated evidence is distributed behind the persons back.

The pro-pedophilia web site that was created in one of the victims names was never posted publicly that I’m aware of, just in private groups where they thought we wouldn’t find out about it. It has also been given to people privately as alleged evidence.

He claims that he has caught me stalking children. Given the frame-up of the person with the pro-pedophilia site I can’t even imagine what despicable frame-up he’s fabricated involving me and is distributing to people behind my back. Whatever it is, I have no doubt I could refute it in the 5 minutes it took me to expose and refute the pro-pedophilia site. I have never stalked children or anyone else.

As Sweeney mentioned in his book, a few years ago the RIP trolls consisted of a couple of hundred people on Facebook. Thanks to his hard work those groups broke up and the numbers dwindled, especially after a few people started getting arrested and faced substantial prison terms for their crimes. Thank You UK.

It looks to me like Antonio F. Lopez using the Kree Love alias misses those days and is trying to recreate those harassment groups. The only difference now is that he’s focusing on social activists rather than the grieving families and friends of dead children and the harassment is extending beyond Facebook and on to other social media groups as well as the Internet at large.

Aside from the numerous hate blogs created by the seriously obsessive Michael Babcock, one of which is listed under a domain name which uses the name of the target they use to lure in recruits and bait them into targeting others, Babcock floods sites like paste-bin with all sorts of defamatory libel, private emails, chats, etc. and floods torrent sites with gigabytes of useless irrelevant data he calls ‘evidence’ for his and the other harassment groups defamatory libel. His obsessions are quite extreme.

Before the site got shut down and confiscated by Interpol, Babcock had flooded it with literally thousands of defamatory libelous doxes. That is not normal behavior by any definition.

These cyberharassers try to establish some street credibility by claiming that they’re just trolls, 4channers and doing it for the ‘lulz’ but frankly, I don’t recall trolls or 4channers running around the Internet doing this sort of stuff. I’m in IT and my previous career was in libraries. I’ve been on the Internet or exposed to it for far longer than most.

On the rare occasions when someone appeared online and did this sort of stuff they didn’t last long because the good guys dealt with them. This activity was never allowed to expand to the proportions it’s expanding now since the general public has come online.

This is a recent phenomenon and it’s nothing more than a bunch of people with severe to mild anti-social personality disorders getting together in groups for the like-minded, hiding behind the troll/4chan/Anonymous names to give themselves some Internet credibility so that they can rationalize their abuse of innocent people.

They are criminals committing criminal acts daily and should be treated as such. The fact that these crimes are occurring on the Internet doesn’t make them less of a crime than in real life.

If treatments exist for the type of anti-social personality disorders these people display then they should also receive the mental health intervention that they appear to so desperately need.

They’re behavior really says it all where that’s concerned.

To those Anons who say they want to stay out of the drama: Silence is assent and they’re in the middle of the drama whether they want to be or not.

To Anonymous: Do you really want the Anonymous name dragged through the mud like this. It is happening irrespective of their claims.

I’ll leave with Brians words, expressed in a moment of frustration but reflecting the reality of what is happening to Anonymous because of these idiots.

Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson


Posted by on December 28, 2013 in CyberBullying, CyberHarassment, CyberStalking


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Butthurt Is As Butthurt Does

It seems that the Tards of the BoneYard (haha – such an appropriate name they gave to themselves) are suffering some serious Butthurt. Lol.

All they appear to be capable of doing is screeching like little pigs about how allegedly ‘insane’ I am and issuing threats about how the people I communicate with on Twitter are going to ‘be embarrassed’.

Presumably that means that the Tards are planning to send their amusing and either completely irrelevant links or links which they intentionally misrepresent to some pretty smart people.

The mistake that they always make and that will continue to define themselves as the FailTards that they are is that they really, sincerely, and honestly believe that the rest of the world is as stupid as they are.

So, I look forward to the fallout from this one with great amusement. ;-D

I always find it quite amusing when the demonstrably nuts allege that I’m ‘nuts’ but have absolutely nothing to show as evidence other than their lies and misrepresentations which are so easily refuted and have been refuted repeatedly.

In fact, the only people who actually believe the shit they regularly shovel are themselves. They can’t even get other TardKrews to buy it which should tell you just how obviously bizarre their stories are. Lol.

What they all do is make lots of assertions, show lots of pretty but useless and meaningless screenshots, and never provide any direct evidence that is directly related to the allegation.

It’s all just bizarre interpretations or obvious misrepresentation of the screenshots.

This behavior itself is demonstrably crazy.

So, according to them, I’m ‘crazy’ when I describe what crazy people like these Tards do. Ok. Lol.

That’s essentially what all of this boils down to and nothing more.

Apparently it’s ‘crazy’ to object to being harassed, bullied and stalked whether it’s online or IRL but it’s not crazy to actually harass, bully and stalk, according to these Tards.

Go figure.

Projection, that is, attributing your issues to those you target, is also a key component of the harasser/bully/stalker profile whether one is dealing with them online or IRL.

That is effectively what they’re doing amidst all this crying butthurt today. They’re projecting their psychological issues on to me and attributing their ongoing insanity to me, in the form of this cyberharassment that they instigated and that they know perfectly well is based on Kreepy’s paranoid delusions and pathological lies. Either that or they share his paranoid delusions because they share his mental health issues.

Their online behavior and history for several years now has demonstrated a clear and obvious anti-social personality disorder that they all appear to suffer from to varying degrees.

Their assertions, bizarre interpretations, and intentional misrepresentations don’t make me ‘crazy’.

Their assertions, bizarre interpretations, and intentional misrepresentations make them demonstrably crazy. Lol.

I’m not going to bother with all of the item’s that they posted because they’re obviously irrelevant to the bizarre allegations they’re making and because it would take a complete and total moron to see those as evidence of anything other than a lame attempt to smear me. No surprise that Kreepy comments on those posts but doesn’t comment anywhere else.

However, they appear to be just getting warmed up so I expect the cacophony of the loons to get louder as the evening wears on. Lol.

I’ve just selected one post to demonstrate the extent of their pathological lies.

First, of course, we have the usual threats which are a joke as far as I’m concerned. The only thing Tommy is successfully wrecking is his own reputation and he did that long before I came on the scene with his cyberharassment of others after he stupidly got conned (or so he claims – he’s not the most credible person given all the lies he spews). Cyberharassers frequently play the victim card when they want to recruit others to participate in their cyberharassment campaigns.

Thomas Schroeder aka Thomas W. Cook aka Juliet Biehl, et al

Thomas Schroeder aka Thomas W. Cook aka Juliet Biehl, et al

Ironically, they’ve been at this for months and have only succeeded in recruiting two Tards to go after me directly both of whom are demonstrated cyberstalkers, cyberbullies and cyberharassers in their own right and have their own independent histories of defaming innocent people online.

Now to address the lies in the screenshot at the end of this post. They’re a joke but it’s always good to have the response out there in writing so that those who actually want to find the truth will find it.

Lie 1 is defamatory libel from Heather Martin:

‘…Kevin Annett uses Anonymous Hackers to do his dirty work.’

In the article, itself, Heather Martin claims that I am the said ‘Anonymous hacker’ along with numerous other vicious and unsubstantiated lies. She appears to be quite experienced at this cyberharassment thing given that she uses all the standard deceptions and demagogic tricks in her blog that the dishonest use when they haven’t actually got a rational argument or evidence.

Without even getting into the rest of it, at bare minimum, Heather Martin, if she was a normal, sane, rational human being would have evidence that I’m a ‘hacker’ before she published such nonsense.

She hasn’t produced any evidence because there is none. She can’t produce any because I don’t hack. That, in and of itself, makes all of her allegations there questionable. However, at some point, in the future I’ll address them in more detail in this blog.

I’ve already given a fair amount of background on Ms. Martin here, here, and here. There are two additional blogs written by others about her as well, here and here. The articles written by me on the first two blogs, or at least that information will eventually be moved to this blog and deleted from those other blogs. The third article is from this blog.

Now, you should also note the cowardice and incompetence here. All of these chickenshits are hiding in Heather Martin’s skirts, using her blog to attack me and she isn’t even seen in the discussion. Lol. At least not yet. No doubt she’ll show up at some point.

They want to make sure that the heat is directed to her and not their cowardly asses. She will kow tow to this because she really is as stupid as they are and she’s unable to see that they’re simply throwing her under the bus just like Michael is unable to see that they are doing the same to him. All of their behavior here is the definition of crazy.

They don’t show Antonio F. Lopez aka Kree Love’s blog which libels me directly because he’s a chicken shit little coward who can’t stand the heat generated by his own actions.

Lie 2. is Michael Babcock’s delusion. I’ve never said anywhere that he was Heather Martin nor have I said anywhere that the sock he uses in this thread, Lilli Alpert is Heather Martin. Lilli Alpert is Michael Babcock’s sock and I’ve been aware of it for months.

Lie 3. is Babcock’s delusion but it’s also a group delusion. That is, all of them continuously make that allegation, that everyone on the list is being called a Child Trafficker. I suppose I could be generous and just assume that they’ve misread the PTR site repeatedly but that would make me delusional. Lol. I’m actually being kind by calling it a delusion since the only other option is that it’s a flagrant lie.

If you go to the site it doesn’t allege that everyone on the list is a DarkNet Child Trafficking Scammer. Read it for yourself. The allegations are quite clear to anyone who has a basic grasp of the english language. I don’t use too many big words there. There is also evidence provided that is explicit to each allegation.

Lie 4. more lame threats from Tommy Tard and his delusion that my interactions with friends or people that I’m having friendly interactions with is ‘brown-nosing’ Lol and his implication that he’s going to enlighten them. That’s going to be more amusing than I can even tell you for reasons that Tommy Tard has no clue about. I think I’ll keep those reasons to myself and let him make an abject fool of himself. In fact, I might just wait for a couple of days before publishing this blog, just to ensure that he has every opportunity to demonstrate just what a whacko he is. This calls for popcorn. 😀

Lie 5. Babcock claims that the ‘truce’ I attempted to negotiate with him only lasted 8 hours. It didn’t even last that long. Babcock was sharing my emails with Heather Martin from the start and had no intention of having a truce. He did remove my information and links from some of the sites but not all, claiming that he couldn’t access all of them. It was merely a token gesture but it reduced the number of lies out there and he wasn’t adding me to the new blogs he created at that time.

I removed his name from the web site which is the only place it was at that time and there was no other commentary about him there at that time. Only his name. Just having his name appear in one location on the Internet was apparently enough to drive him quite mad and target me and even having it removed wasn’t enough for him to deal with me honestly.

That’s pretty crazy and extreme behavior given the fact that I upheld my side of the truce for months and was not involved in anything related to him until he crossed the line recently.

His name was added back to the site after he published several of those new and identical hate blogs filled with lies and defamatory libel, all of which included me. Obsessive much?

He included me because he really is quite a stupid man and got conned with the lamest trick in the book, by the person who initially exposed the DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam. That person created a blog about Michael but used a template that I use on one my blogs. That was enough to sucker this Tard into turning me into a target again and obsessing about me. ROFL.

The sheer stupidity that has been demonstrated over and over and over again by the members of this group belies belief.

Another one of Babcock’s delusions is his allegation that I ‘agreed the PDF was fake’. No, I didn’t. I said I didn’t know whether the word ‘Echelon’ had been added to the top and I stated that it looked like the PDF that Antonio aka Kree showed me. In addition, I pointed out that at least 2 other people received that PDF directly from Antonio aka Kree and attested to it being genuine.

I also attempted to explain to this Tard who thinks he’s the Guru of the Internet how Google Docs works and why there is, in fact, another rational explanation for the modification label. Unfortunately like I’ve said before, repeatedly, you can’t reason with Tards. It simply isn’t possible. That’s what makes them Tards. No amount of evidence, rational argumentation, reason will ever get through their thick skulls and their pet paranoid delusions. And therein lies the strongest evidence that they are indeed mentally ill in some way, most likely with some sort of anti-social personality disorder.

Lie 6. Babcock’s delusional allegation that ‘I spazzed at him’. ROFL. This one is hilarious because if he ever produces the email, which he used to call a ‘rage email’, all I’m doing is asking him, quite calmly and politely, why he gave my emails to Heather Martin. We were still communicating by email and ‘negotiating’ our ‘truce’ when Heather Martin posted her hate post which included chopped up versions of my emails to Michael. (Refer back to Lie 5 where Michael claims the ‘truce’ lasted 8 hours. Lol.

And, of course Heather Martin was added to list after I saw the blog post. She got played, was stupid and decided to play and those were the consequences.

If she wants to stop playing and removes those posts on her blog with my name in them, all of my posts and any references to her associated with this group of Tards will be removed. It’s her choice. I have no illusions whatsoever about what her choice will be. Those who suffer from anti-social personality disorders are quite predictable.

Lie 7 by Michael Babcock was addressed in my response to Lie 5. His name was placed back on the site and I’m including him in this blog because he placed me on that site that he created on Kreepy’s behalf. If he hadn’t done that he wouldn’t be receiving such special attention here and his name would not have been added back to the PTR site. He made his choice and has only himself to blame for it. If he removed everything (and this time I would require everything removed with no excuses accepted) then he will also be removed from all posts and the web site. Again, I have no illusions about the choice that he will make because as I said, those with anti-social personality disorders are quite predictable.

The fact that they are predictable doesn’t mean that you don’t offer people an out and all of these people have that out if they want it. They are the one’s who instigated this cyberharassment campaign against me and others  based on Kreepy’s lies. They can stop it anytime they choose by removing the lies that they’ve had posted everywhere.

They choose not stop it because, in my opinion, they are all mentally ill drama whores and narcissists who suffer from some form of anti-social personality disorder and who feed on negative attention, enjoy hurting innocent people, and simply don’t want to stop. Nothing demonstrates that better than their actual behavior over the past 11 months as well as in the following post and the posts that I will be posting which will detail the entire progression of events in their own words.

“With ropes wove from their own words shall they be hung” –Oison Sweeney



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CyberHarassment, A Pattern Of Behavior

normalhumanbeingAntonio Lopez, the American adult impersonating UK teenager Kree Love, has a long history on the Internet of Cyberharassment against numerous people associated with Anonymous. Many who have had some contact with him and who are serious social activists, hackers, gamers, or just innocent people that inadvertently trigger what appear to be paranoid delusions have become his victims.

Antonio aka Kree thinks nothing of lying to all of his associates about the people he wants to target in order to get them worked up into a frothing rage and jump into the front lines for him. He also thinks nothing of targeting people in his social circle. Friendship appears to mean very little to him.

It looks like Jamie McKinley taught him quite a sound lesson and as a result he’s afraid to be on the front lines even with back up. Unfortunately, this hasn’t stopped him from continuing his cyberharassment, it’s just motivated him to modify his strategy. Now, he manipulates from behind the scenes and instigates others to go into the front lines for him so that he doesn’t have to take any heat for his activities.

There are plenty of Tards out there ready to be conned into doing his dirty work. Tards who don’t check out the story. If they did, they’d walk away and tell him to fight his own battles like a man, instead of hiding behind everyone else’s skirts like a little pansy.

It’s been my experience that all Cyberharassers are basically cowards who use the same strategies. So, the first time they instigate a harassment campaign, they need to be taught a lesson and then after that, those who shill for them, and are also, often cyberharassers in their own right, also need to be taught a lesson.

Antonio managed to hook up with people who also have the same history of cyberharassment of their own friends and others who associate with Anonymous. This entire group has done absolutely nothing since 2010 except engage in vicious cyberharassment of numerous people online both on their own and in this group.

It’s important to remember that this type of nonsense never ends on it’s own, and it’s a mistake for people to advise others to ‘ignore it and it will go away’. It won’t. If you think it does, give me some actual evidence of a single situation where that happened. You’ll be very hard-pressed to find one. And note that there’s a difference between a normal Internet fight which flares up and is over quickly, and an actual ongoing cyberharassment campaign which someone intentionally instigates and continues to feed.

A full-fledged Cyberharassment campaign will only stop when those who engage in this nonsense are forced to stop either through social pressure, legal means, mental health intervention, standing up to them and exposing their lies, etc.

lollipoppsychoBullying and harassment are indicators of an anti-social personality disorder in those who engage in this behavior. As a result the behavior won’t stop on it’s own because the instigators can’t stop. They’re obsessive and they feed on the negative attention.

IRL what we usually see is one bully/harasser surrounded by sheeple who do their bidding but on their own are unlikely to engage in this behavior. As a result the bullying can be stopped by socially isolating the bully from their sheeple.

Since it’s become so much easier to connect with people all over the world online, we are seeing a different phenomenon develop online.

A phenomenon where groups of bullies and harassers are getting together and working together to target innocent people. Even though one bully/harasser might be the alpha dog, the other bullies and harassers are also quite capable of, and do, operate their own bullying and harassment campaigns. Kree’s group is a perfect example of this.

A search on both Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster aka CoderHyguru as well as Heather Martin will give you plenty of evidence to support this fact. Both are running Hate Blogs against individuals, targeting anyone associated with those individuals, and including them on the Hate Blogs as well. I, and many others are listed on their blogs and targeted with their lies because of our associations.

These Tards appear to have forgotten that both the Canadian Charter of Rights and the US Constitution protect our right to free association and no-one, including these Tards have the right to bully and intimidate us because of who we choose to associate with. Using the ‘guilt by association’ fallacy is typical of demagogues and liars who are pursuing agendas and don’t have any truths to support them.

Antonio Lopez aka Kree Love is also running a Hate Blog on his web site targeting me where he also targets others associated with me. He has created a sub-domain using my name without my permission where he has posted defamatory libel on DarkNet’s DoxBin and used an interface to make it accessible on ClearNet.

In response to these attacks I created a web site and this blog and have commented on this topic on some other blogs I run.

I don’t believe that liars should be able to lie with impunity and I don’t believe they should be ignored so I do respond to public lies publicly.

Of course, Antonio aka Kree, likes to play the victim card and pretend that the opposite is true. It isn’t and I can disprove any and all of the numerous variations of his stories which allege that’s the case. Since there are so many variations of this lie (he has to change it every time I refute it) there’s no point doing so here.

An intelligent person looking for the truth will find it in my blogs and web site.

A Tard who prefers to believe the lie will stick with the lie no matter what refutations are provided.

That said, naturally, many of the individuals targeted by these Tards don’t react well to this abuse and respond in kind. When this occurs, you can absolutely certain that ALL the bullies will start a cacophony of screeching and whining about what poor little victims they are and playing the innocents. They ALL suddenly and conveniently ‘forget’ the inconvenient truth that people are simply responding to their abuse.

They consider themselves bullying victims whenever anyone dares to stand up to their abuse and harassment. This is a standard strategy of cyberharassers, cyberbullies and cyberstalkers and a known part of their psychological profile.

You’ll see this pattern play out over and over again whenever cyberharassment is occurring.

If you care enough about ending cyberharassment, cyberbullying and cyberstalking you will pay attention to the patterns of behavior. When you do, it becomes quite easy to detect who the bullies are and who the victims are.

Not standing up to these Tards, hoping that if you ignore them they’ll go away, doesn’t work, has been demonstrated not to work repeatedly and is bad advice. I believe that’s why people end up committing suicide because of these crazies.

Why? Because when you tell a victim to ‘ignore it and it will go away’ you are disempowering the victim and empowering and enabling the bully.

This not only encourages the bully to continue targeting you but it encourages them to target others as well.

They need to be deterred and not enabled.

And as I said previously deterrence occurs when they are forced to stop either through social pressure, legal means, mental health intervention, standing up to them and exposing their lies, etc.

It’s the ONLY thing I’ve seen work and psychological research studies on those who suffer from anti-social personality disorders support this.


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Michael Babcock’s Defamatory Libel

Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster

Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster

Michael Babcock aka N2KMaster aka CoderHyguru is Kree Love’s  dancing monkey. (Antonio F. Lopez has been impersonating UK teen, Kree Love since 2010) On the one hand he claims Kree Love is a liar while on the other hand foolishly spreading Kree Love’s lies and targeting all of the people that Kree Love wants to have targeted.

He is responsible for a new defamatory libelous web site targeting 11 social activists and innocent people who have had nothing to do with Kree Love’s drama. I expect that more will be added as time goes on. This campaign, as well as the people selected for targeting on that web site, was instigated entirely by Kree Love aka Antonio F. Lopez, in my opinion. At least the majority of the people there are there because Kree Love wants them there.

I’ll elaborate on this more when I start publishing the evidence posts.

Kitty Hundal is listed on this web site because Babcock stupidly fell for a lame trick which made him jump to the conclusion that she had created a blog about him. She hadn’t.

The blog Babcock is all butthurt about was created by Timothy E. Wheeler, the person who initially exposed the DarkNet Child Trafficking scam that Antonio F. Lopez, while impersonating UK teen Kree Love initiated. This fact is obvious to anyone who knows the players (Babcock does) and isn’t a completely braindead tard (like Babcock is). The template used is a commonly used one and available on Blogger.

Babcock falls for stupidity quite regularly. In fact, the stupider something is, the greater the likelihood is that Babcock will hop on the bandwagon and flog it. Case in point: Babcock also stupidly fell for Kree Love’s lies, and despite the fact that he knows that Kree Love lies, self-servingly believes him when it suits him.

These days you can find him whining incessantly and quite self-righteously about others harassing his girlfriend and her children but has no problem harassing innocent women and family members of his victims when it suits him or targeting innocent people and making them his victims. His web site is the evidence of that. He stupidly blames Kitty Hundal for that as well despite the fact that she told him she had no involvement whatsoever in targeting anyone’s family or friends and there isn’t a shred of evidence that she did. Lol. Paranoid much there Babcock or did you fall for another lame trick that anyone with a brain would see through?

Here’s how low things get with Babcock:

  1. He steals a person name; buys or locates a free domain; uses that person name as the domain name. (He’s done this several times now).
  2. He either iframes a pro-pedo site to deceptively imply that the person is a pedo in order to defame them (He did this once and it’s being hosted on Kree Love’s hosting site).
  3. Or, he fills the site with defamatory libel, lies, misrepresentations, irrelevant screenshots which he claims is evidence of his libel but which more often than not either have nothing to do with his allegations and sometimes even refute them. The current one is currently hosted on Blogger since he lost his accounts on all of the other ones because he posted defamatory libel. Some people never learn. Lol.
  4. He posts the links and files in thousands of places across the Internet apparently acting on the batshit assumption that the more places he posts them the more true his lies become. ROFL. Must be magic.
  5. He puts the files in torrents on thousands of sites under the targets name along with defamatory libelous descriptions on the same batshit assumption that the more places they appear the more true they must be.
  6. He has also mined people’s IP addresses and then used them to attempt to hack or disrupt those people’s personal computer networks and pcs.

Michael has demonstrated over and over by his history that he enjoys cyberharassment campaigns and will jump on board at the drop of a hat.

Cyberharassment is a long time habit with Michael Babcock and he’s targeted numerous people on the Internet with vicious and vitriolic hate campaigns including individuals, community groups, wrestling groups, etc. over a period of years now, on his own, and long before he became Kree Love’s monkey.

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Posted by on December 12, 2013 in CyberBullying, CyberHarassment, CyberStalking


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