
Kree Love: Evidence of Lies

15 Dec
Antonio F. Lopez aka Kree Love

Antonio F. Lopez aka Kree Love

Kree Love aka Antonio Lopez, a 30 year old American impersonating a 16 year old UK teenager thinks it’s acceptable to post libel as well as instigate other stupid people to post his libel and to harass those who stand up to his cyberbullying and abuse.

I will not only be responding with the facts but the actual evidence which supports the facts.

Stupid people will believe what they choose to believe no matter what facts or evidence is presented to them so this blog isn’t directed to them.

This blog is directed to those who do care about truth and care that there are tards running around on the Internet whose sole goal appears to be to defame and discredit honest social activists who are engaged in productive activity in an effort to improve our world.

Anyone can become a victim of these cyberbullies’ lies, including their own ‘friends’. In fact, most of the social activists listed on Michael Babcock’s defamatory site instigated by Kree Love were, at one time, ‘friends’ with this group.

Kree Love has a history of cyberbullying, and then playing the victim. Much of the evidence of his past cyberbullying which focused on teenagers who were gamers, has been removed by him. However, many of the responses to his abuse remain online because his victims who stood up to his abuse did not remove their responses.

Do a search for KingSamLopez, KingSam15 (his alias at the time he was cyberbullying teenagers) and Jamie McKinley, the teenager this 30 year old adult was cyberbullying. At the time the cyberbullying was occurring ‘Kree’ was in his early 20s. Still an adult cyberbullying teens. There’s still some remnants left.

One of the things that’s quite amusing in these searches is that it becomes quite clear, quite quickly that these teenagers tech skills far exceed Kree Love’s alleged ‘expertise’ in IT by a mile. 😀

This, in and of itself explains why an alleged ‘IT expert’ needs to (desperately) recruit people with skills. That doesn’t stop him from using the basic skills he does have to target a person who trusts him enough to go on Skype (which gives him their IP address) and is also non-technical so naively clicks on an image with an .exe extension and ends up getting keylogged. He admitted publicly on Twitter to having committed this criminal act.

Kree Love alleged to this person that he was the victim of cyberbullying in high school but this person has also caught him in various lies and says so:

Kree Love's lies

Kree Love’s lies











He also claims that he was cyberbullied by a teen (at the time) gamer named Jamie McKinley, but Jamie McKinley has exposed that lie. Here we have an image of ‘Kree’ trying to recruit people to cyberbully Jamie McKinley because he ‘hates him’. Apparently his altercation with Jamie began when they had an argument about whose gaming rig was better. Lol. Kree Love aka Antonio Lopez under the alias, KingSam15 then appears to have flown into a jealous rage and recruited his friends to target Jamie.







Here is a second image of him spreading his lies about Jamie, but in this one he’s playing the victim card, probably because he doesn’t know these people and wants to con them into supporting him.

Kree lying on Google Groups edited





As you can see they weren’t buying Kreepy’s lies in this group either. Lol.

Note that in this posting Kree Love aka Antonio Lopez under the alias KingSam15, makes the following admissions:

1. Jamie McKinley succesfully identified him. (Note that he has been identified by Jamie and his friends as Antonio Lopez.)

2. The image that he has been displaying in his profile isn’t him. That image is similar but not identifical to the real Kree Love and has no resemblance to the image posted at the top of this post which I have been told has been verified as the real person.

3. He has been harassing them by having 720 of their YouTube accounts shut down (while whining about being cyberbullied Lol).

4. Note that he claims that he’s concerned about posting Jamie’s information but posts it anyway and then attempts (and fails) to recruit people to target Jamie.

Jamie won this battle.

This resulted in Antonio Lopez stealing Kree Love’s identity, changing his alias, and going into hiding. Coincidentally he hooked up with ID Chief at the same time as the following image demonstrates. ID Chief was shut down last year.

National ESL   101  Krazium   Player   USA   Electronic Sports League 1










Kree Love thinks nothing of manipulating people that may well be mentally ill and therefore vulnerable into doing batshit things that serve his personal agenda.

It’s sad for the person that Kree’s manipulating because their batshit craziness is on public display to be laughed at by pretty much everyone. It says a lot about the despicable and completely morally bankrupt person that Kree Love aka Antonio Lopez is.

There are a series of YouTube videos that are quite bizarre in content and indicate a seriously disturbed mind. The fact that so many similar videos were posted could indicate a serious obsessive disorder of some sort.

Before I post anything here about them I will be passing them on to a shrink to review. It’s possible that this person needs to be hospitablized.

Unlike Kree Love, I don’t find the abuse and manipulation of the mentally ill amusing.

More exposures to come …

Click on the images to enlarge them for reading. 

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Posted by on December 15, 2013 in CyberBullying, CyberHarassment, CyberStalking


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